Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Great Smoking Mirror reflects the lesson of leaving the myth behind. You are what you decide you are. Remove the smoke screen that hides your natural talents or worth, and stand tall. Recognize the areas to be developed further and begin that process. Stop cowering before your potential and live your truth. There are millions of role models to choose from.
On another level you are being asked to be a good reflection for others. Encourage others to be bold through Walking Your Talk. The reflections you see in others may not make you happy if you are doubting your self and your right to be. Jealousy on any level only inhibits growth and wastes energy. Shatter the mirrors that insist on self-importance, gloom, or failure so you can get down to what’s really important.
On all levels the Smoking Mirror asks us to accept light and shadow as equal. The reflections we dislike can be worthy opponents who teach us to grow into our potential. Even our shadow sides serve us by leading us through trial and error to the true image of Self.
Through the smoke
I see looking back
Another reflection of me.
Mirror of my inner-self
Who are you
If I am me?
Mirror of my outer-self
What do others see?
Is it the truth in my heart
Or human vanity?
The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS
Have a blessed and wonderful day...until tomorrow
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