If you are carrying a Burden Basket today, this card is telling you to pull from your inner–strength and become self-reliant. You can conquer the world when you let go of the burdens by trusting your ability to find your own answers. Problems cease being burdens when solutions are found.
The Burden Basket also teaches us not to drop our woes at the door of another. .Relying on ourselves and our connection to Great Mystery teachers us to stretch into our potential. If confusion sets in and counsel is sought, use the advice. Don’t waste the precious time of others if you do not intend to respect the wisdom offered. Know also that it’s not your job to solve the problems of others. Don’t rob others of their right to self-reliance.
In all cases, we only carry the burdens we wish to carry. If it makes us feel good or important to have so much to handle, we might need to look at our ideas of self-importance. The reminder is that we are all self-reliant and must use our talents to find our own solutions. The best answer is one shared equally by all travelers on the Sacred Path.
Burden Basket carry my grief,
And gives me strength to go on.
Burden Basket reminds me not to take
My burdens to other’s homes.
Burden Basket sings to me,
When the winter os long,
Reminding me of summer’s heat,
Bringing warmth to ancient bones.
The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS
Until tomorrow.....
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