If the talking drums have signaled a Pow-Wow, you are being put on notice to gather together with others of like mind and exchange ideas. The quickening of some aspect of your life will be aided if you use a support system and see what type of support you can call upon from others.
The Pow-Wow card is marking a time of calling in your markers. You may need assistance or just a friend to be a sounding board. Your focus will become clearer, and you may receive the boost just from an encouraging word or two.
The quickening is inside of you and speaks of the time just preceding birth. Whenever you are giving birth to at this time can be assisted by gathering your friends around you for the needed support.
Gathering of tipis
New friends and old
Trading of stories
Told and retold.
A blanket for a basket
A horse as a prize
Footraces and dances
Night ‘til sunrise
Exchanging the goodness
That each member brings
Allowing the heart strings
Of our Nation to sing.
The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS
Until tomorrow...
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