The Smoke Signals being sent your way call for clear intent. If your purpose or direction in life has been muddled, now is the time to “walk your talk.” The signals you send to others may be bringing unwanted attention your way. Observe what it is that you are putting out and straighten up so that you will attract the kind of experiences and people you want inside your Sacred Space.
Another message is a reminder from the Spirit World. If you lack direction or have unclear intent as to what your needs are, the Allies cannot assist you with those requests. Clear intent brings rewards on all levels. And will speed your growth process. Pay attention and take advantage of the power of your intentions. You’ve won half the battle when your clear intent remove the barriers to decisive action.
Sacred language of the sky
Please speak to me.
You who live where Eagle flies,
Spirit I can see,
In the form of Cloud People,
Coming from the Fire.
Sacred Smoke you call to me.
To be my desires,
Let me travel skyward
With a heart so true,
That may fly with Eagle
And be close to you.
The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS
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