Wednesday, April 7, 2010





If Fire Medicine has appeared in your cards today, you are being asked to acknowledge within. Your spontaneity for living depends upon your connection to Fire. You can support your passion for living through acknowledging all of the Good Medicine present in your life. Your ability to create adventure and excitement comes from your willingness to give yourself pleasure and joy. All that is needed to continue the passion is to decide you are worthy and proceed.

If you have any judgments about passion on the physical level, it may be time to clear them. All acts of life are sacred when treated in a respectful manner. Any old fears of intimacy or commitment can act as limitations to relationships. If this applies to you, clear the fear. As the fear leaves, so will the coldness of past hurts, and you will be ready for more rewarding future relationships.

In all cases, Fire Medicine insists that we use the Fire within to fuel our lives with energy. This energy comes from Mother Earth’s passionate physicality and Grandfather Sun’s spontaneous love. When we are in balance, this Divine Union sparks our natural desire for experiencing life. If the spontaneity is already happening to you, continue.


Sacred Fire within us,
Place of eternal flame,
Burn away the barriers,
In Great Mystery’s name.

Teach us warmth and goodness,
The love of Grandfather Sun,
Melting every difference,
Until we are truly one.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

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