Saturday, April 10, 2010





The Vision Quest card speaks of a time of new directions or strengthening of the present path based on personal truth. Sometimes to find this truth it is necessary to Enter the Silence and remove personal confusion. In other instances it is necessary to actually go on a Vision Quest.

This card tells you that the course of your life needs to be clarified through vision. It is now time to ask for assistance from the Allies and / or Ancestors so that your choices will be reinforced with their wisdom and assistance. Seeking your personal answers is the keynote. Trusting those feelings and following them with action is the way to find the truth. To accomplish this you must release confusion and doubt, then proceed by allowing your truth to emerge. Remember: In seeking you are asking for answers; be willing to accept and recognize the truth when it comes to you. Recognition and acceptance always precede inner-knowing.


High upon Sacred Mountain,
With unrestricted view,
The clarity of vision.
Comes to us anew.

Direction with purpose,
Great Mystery will bring.
Strong Medicine Allies,
To grace our Medicine Dreams

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

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