Wednesday, March 31, 2010





The Great Mystery card tells us the Original Source is the Creator of all life and that we are created in that likeness. We are free-willed co-creators who become the source of all we choose to experience in life. The buck stops here. We are totally responsible for all our joys and all our pain.

In receiving this card, you are being reminded to give gratitude for all of your lessons; it changes any pain to gain. Focus on your creative capacity and you can change anything. It may be time to drop any blame, shame or regret and take charge of your life. The victim role don’t suite two-leggeds. We are created in the image of an Infinite Creator and are therefore limitless co-creators.

In all cases, Great Mystery will continue to confound and astound us every time we try to figure it all out. Stop your mind’s chatter and listen to the Source. Original Source shows that the Mystery lives within us and contains all the answers we need to find along The Sacred Path. The Sacred Path of Beauty is experiencing the mystery of life without having to control the outcome from our tunnel-vision command post. Go with the flow and watch the glory of limitless co-creation. After all, Great Mystery is the Divine plan and everything is on schedule.


Original Source of Creation,

The Void of All That Is,

Thank you for the breath of life,

Thank you for my gifts,

Eternal Mystery, touch my heart,

In Beauty may I walk.

Sacred Mystery , be my guide,

So I may Walk my Talk.

Infinite Source, remain with me,

So I may always know,

The warmth of your Eternal Flame,

Deep within my soul.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

Tuesday, March 30, 2010





The South Shield card marks a time of returning to the child.-like parts of Self that need no support from the ego. Look at how you can be humble in the present situation. Balance work with play and sacredness with irreverence. In other words, you’ll need to lighten up and drop the uptight parts of Self before you can continue.

This may be a time to get some physical exercise to loosen up tight muscles or laugh to loosen up your sophisticated garbage. Stop holding on so tight and remember how to trust. How can you trust anything or anyone when the image in the mirror is not really you?

In all cases, the South Shield card insists that the child within is trying to teach you something about how to handle the situation. Listening and trusting the little tike might restore some of the lost magic of life. Remember, playfulness heals a world of woes. The more serious you take the game, the less chance any of us have of winning.

Red Earth, South Shield,
Child filled with wonder,
Teach me to yield.
Laughter is your Give-Away,
In innocence and joy,
Taking me into the place,
Of little girls and boys.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

Monday, March 29, 2010





The Sweat Lodge card speaks of a need for purifying some aspect of your life. This cleansing can be gentle and healing if you are willing to approach it in a scared manner. It may be time to cleanse thoughts or attitudes. From another point of view, if you have people pulling you down and stopping your forward movement, cleaning away the barriers is called for here.

Whether the purification is of body, mind, emotions, attitudes, or spirit is for you to decide. The constant rule of the Sweat Lodge card is that humility and purification always make way for new life-force to enter. Remember that once the “rust” is removed. You may shine in your own right. 


Fire of purification,
Steam from sacred stones,
Prayer ties and tobacco.
Meld with spirit songs.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

Sunday, March 28, 2010




If Coral has appeared in your cards today, you are being asked to look at the idea of nurturing. It may be time to nurture yourself or another. If you refuse to be nurtured it may be time to drop that superhuman attitude before you get sick. Coral tells us that our bodies have needs too. Pay attention and be good to your body.

Coral also speaks of the Planetary Family. If you feel lonely or alone, it may be time to have a reunion with the other creatures that share the Earth with you. Listen to all Our Relations and cut the “I’m the only one” refrain out of your thoughts.

Coral always tells us to listen to our feelings. If you have been ignoring how you feel around certain people or how your body feels, Coral is insisting that you reconnect to those feeling. Remember: to feel is to heal.


Red Coral please remind me of the blood of all my kin.
Each of us has feelings
That reflects the joy within.

May I nurture my own needs
Then learn to share in turn,
The love that is my essence
The heart that in me burns.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

This is great advice - let's pay attention....
Until tomorrow....


Saturday, March 27, 2010




The Pipe card speaks of inner-peace that can be found through the balancing of the Self. It is now time to honor both sides of your nature, male and female and to acknowledge the Eternal Flame of Great Mystery that lives inside you. How you influence the lives of others depends on this balance.

Inner-peace can be found through prayer and the understanding of your role in the whole of Creation. World peace begins in the heart of each individual. It may be time to make peace with others or with an inner conflict that keeps you from seeing the beauty of your true potential.

In all cases, the Pipe card asks you to honor who you are and why you are here. It asks you how you can assist our world. In making peace with the Self, these questions will be answered and the Sacred Path will become clear.

Pipe of my forefathers
Teach me to sing praise
For all the gifts that
Great Mystery gave.

Allow me to know
My spirit’s release
And bring to my heart
Eternal peace.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

Friday, March 26, 2010





In choosing the Shaman’s Death card, you are being put on notice that a death cycle or ending is in progress. Before the rebirth can occur, the habit, attitude, relationship, or part of Self that is dying must be looked at. Assist the process by continuously allowing the old to be removed. Let go and then make way for the new cycle of life to take hold.

Remember that you are creating fertile ground for new adventures when you are willing to let your old identities die. The rebirth cycle is always full of promise and growth when you allow the old patterns to die with dignity.



I do ask for death,

For the parts of me,

That will not hear

Or speak the truth,

Which are too blind to see.


Give me birth again,

With love as my guide,

Truth and beauty as my path,

With nothing left to hide.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

Thursday, March 25, 2010





The Stone People mark a time in which knowing will be revealed to you. Your personal records are held by these libraries of rock. Childhood memories may return and allow you to piece together a part of your personal puzzle. Memories of past lives or déjà vu could bring new awareness. Whatever the case, you are now in a position to know where you came from and where you are going.

The Stone Person card assist you in focusing your intent, dispelling confusion, changing habits, retrieving records from long ago, or getting grounded. Allow these teachers to become your Allies and discover a new world. Listen to the whispers of the mineral kingdom and your heart will know.

In all cases, the Stone People card asks you to open your mind because new understanding is coming your way. This knowledge is based on Earth-Records and may change the way in which you view life. These ancient friends are the oldest Children of the Earth and only asks us to stop and listen.


Record holders of the Earth,

Will you please explain

The history that gave us birth,

The truth you do contain?

Like your cousins of the seas,

The shells that let us hear,

Sacred whispers are the key,

To the history we hold dear.

Stone people we will hear you.

Teach us the ancient ways,

So we may build a future

Based on prayer and praise.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

Personally - The Stone People card hit the nail right on the read for me today...What about you?

God Bless...Until Tomorrow


Wednesday, March 24, 2010



The Great Smoking Mirror reflects the lesson of leaving the myth behind. You are what you decide you are. Remove the smoke screen that hides your natural talents or worth, and stand tall. Recognize the areas to be developed further and begin that process. Stop cowering before your potential and live your truth. There are millions of role models to choose from.

On another level you are being asked to be a good reflection for others. Encourage others to be bold through Walking Your Talk. The reflections you see in others may not make you happy if you are doubting your self and your right to be. Jealousy on any level only inhibits growth and wastes energy. Shatter the mirrors that insist on self-importance, gloom, or failure so you can get down to what’s really important.

On all levels the Smoking Mirror asks us to accept light and shadow as equal. The reflections we dislike can be worthy opponents who teach us to grow into our potential. Even our shadow sides serve us by leading us through trial and error to the true image of Self.

Through the smoke
I see looking back
Another reflection of me.

Mirror of my inner-self
Who are you
If I am me?

Mirror of my outer-self
What do others see?
Is it the truth in my heart
Or human vanity?

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

Have a blessed and wonderful day...until tomorrow


Tuesday, March 23, 2010




The Hour of Power speaks of Rituals of Joy. No matter what your present situation, you are being ask to do what what gives your heart the gratest joy. Drop any activity that is taxing and focus on connecting to the Earth and being fed with teh energy you need to maintain happiness.

This card signals the zero-rest balance point that will keep you from becoming out of harmony if you realign body, mind and spirit by doing something that gives you joy. This little happiness break is what will keep you from breaking apart if you are stressed out.

Life-force is available to you in the moment. Be reminded not to leak this precious Manna on regret or indecision, The keynote here is celebrating life. Find the blessings that give you joy, discover your Hour of Power, and feed the talents that allow you to develop your gratest potential.

Oh Sacred Hour that reconnects,
My spirit with the whole,
Mother Earth will fill me up,
Through my heart and soul.

I will sing my Spirit Song,
I will be at one,
I will share my energy,
Like Earth, Moon and Sun.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAM

A beautiful reminder of what we should be doing every now and then. Think about it...what is it that you love to do, what is your hobby? Get back on track and do what gives you joy again.
(note to self: get yourself on the range with your bow and arrows even if it's just to hang out with the guys)

Until tomorrow....


Sunday, March 21, 2010





The Painted Face speaks of self-expression. It tells you to use your creativity in order to express your feelings, your talents, or your desires. Expressing who ad what you are at any given moment is healing as well as productive. As you change and grow you may feel the need to alter the way in which others perceive you. Changing your appearance, attitudes and activities to match the new you may be called for at this time.

The keynote is that this card asks you to open up and allow others to see your Medicine. In that way, you are offering a gift to others who may have need of your talents. Don’t deny how you feel, what you think, or what you can offer the world. In truth and with grace it is now time to allow the Medicine of the Self to emerge. You will never lose face by presenting the true Self minus the self-importance.


Painted Face expresses

The inside of me

Not my nose or my eyes

The parts that others see.

My feelings and my medicine

Are painted in design,

Colors of Great Mystery

Who created me in kind.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

In my humble opinion I thought this card and it's application is inspiring to all of us - let's be open one with another as long as we feel safe. I have found it to be very healing when I can speak freely to someone. I was unable to do this with anyone for many years and guess what? I did it on Friday last....I felt comfortable because that person was a complete stranger...He replied that he admired my strength (my Medicine) in spite of the situations....Great Mystery Bless Us All With Healing.....

Until Tomorrow. .




Cradleboard is saying that the papoose you are carrying is your future. If you wish to influence it, you must respond now. Whatever you situation, the ability to respond is called for at this time. The warrior side of your nature has the courage you need. Don't sit and wait for someone else to do something. Use your creativity, speak your truth and respond.

You are being reminded that it is your responsibility to find your own answers and act upon them. Whether it is a past, present or future challenge makes no difference, You can respond in a way that will promote your growth. Look at how you can use your personal Medicine to respond to the situation and how that action will make you grow. You have the ability, so now you must recognize it in the Self and use it.


Cradle of creation
Protect this child from harm.
Child of all tomorrows
sleep safely in my arms.
Until the time
You will wake
Then you will be
To respond in kind
to humanity.
The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS


Friday, March 19, 2010





If the Whirling Rainbow has appeared, you are being asked to remove any type of discord in your life in order to grow. Don't feed the negativity. Look at any lessons being presented at this time, learn from them, them focus your attention on creating new beauty and abundance in your life. Do not allow yourself to be caught in the quicksand of petty tyrants. A true, worthy opponent will present lessons to make you grow beyond any high drama and into a sense of unity with the Self. Other petty tyrants are not worthy of your attention or your energy. You need not take on the issues of others when the discord is due to their lack of unity within themselves.

Encircle any discord with the Whirling Rainbow of Peace and consider the unity you have with Great Mystery when you keep your eye on the goal and your feet on the Sacred Path of Beauty. Remember that any challenges to unity are equal to your ability to overcome them.


Whirling Rainbow, giver of life
Through your cleansing rains.
Uniting all colors, the children of the earth
will walk in peace again,

Whirling Rainbow prophesy
Your warriors now arise,
Sisters and Brothers in harmony,
Your light in their eyes.

Whirling Rainbow,
Touch our hearts,
We will surly fly,
Never lonely or apart,
Our whirling colors in the sky.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAM

Thanks to Whirling Rainbow ..






If you chose the Medicine Bowl card today. Healing is on the horizon. This can be a spiritual. mental, emotional or physical healing. Pay attention to the events in your life and acknowledge with gratitude the healings that manifest themselves. The steps towards wholeness are often marked with small healing releases and can often be overlooked. Become aware of shifts in attitude or a new sense of well-being, and you will understand the healing as it manifests. In this way you are assisting your future, beyond the Void to heal you in the present.

In all cases, the Medicine Bowl speaks of good medicine. It is being offered. Your present task is to find it to heal the Self or to assist another.


Medicine Bowl of healing cures.
Of visions, dreams and what endures
Beyond the Void of time and space.
You bring the healing of every race.

For Seers and healers the water you hold
Bring ancient wisdom now retold.
For seekers and for those in need.
Your healing unguent brings reprieve.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAM

Like all the Sacred Path Cards and it's application is inspiring to all of us. It applies to all of us personally. Thanks to Medicine Bowl we are healed .... Feedback appreciated.
