The South Shield card marks a time of returning to the child.-like parts of Self that need no support from the ego. Look at how you can be humble in the present situation. Balance work with play and sacredness with irreverence. In other words, you’ll need to lighten up and drop the uptight parts of Self before you can continue.
This may be a time to get some physical exercise to loosen up tight muscles or laugh to loosen up your sophisticated garbage. Stop holding on so tight and remember how to trust. How can you trust anything or anyone when the image in the mirror is not really you?
In all cases, the South Shield card insists that the child within is trying to teach you something about how to handle the situation. Listening and trusting the little tike might restore some of the lost magic of life. Remember, playfulness heals a world of woes. The more serious you take the game, the less chance any of us have of winning.
Red Earth, South Shield,
Child filled with wonder,
Teach me to yield.
Laughter is your Give-Away,
In innocence and joy,
Taking me into the place,
Of little girls and boys.
The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS
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