The Great Mystery card tells us the Original Source is the Creator of all life and that we are created in that likeness. We are free-willed co-creators who become the source of all we choose to experience in life. The buck stops here. We are totally responsible for all our joys and all our pain.
In receiving this card, you are being reminded to give gratitude for all of your lessons; it changes any pain to gain. Focus on your creative capacity and you can change anything. It may be time to drop any blame, shame or regret and take charge of your life. The victim role don’t suite two-leggeds. We are created in the image of an Infinite Creator and are therefore limitless co-creators.
In all cases, Great Mystery will continue to confound and astound us every time we try to figure it all out. Stop your mind’s chatter and listen to the Source. Original Source shows that the Mystery lives within us and contains all the answers we need to find along The Sacred Path. The Sacred Path of Beauty is experiencing the mystery of life without having to control the outcome from our tunnel-vision command post. Go with the flow and watch the glory of limitless co-creation. After all, Great Mystery is the Divine plan and everything is on schedule.
Original Source of Creation,
The Void of All That Is,
Thank you for the breath of life,
Thank you for my gifts,
Eternal Mystery, touch my heart,
In Beauty may I walk.
Sacred Mystery , be my guide,
So I may Walk my Talk.
Infinite Source, remain with me,
So I may always know,
The warmth of your Eternal Flame,
Deep within my soul.
The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS