Tuesday, April 20, 2010





If Dreamtime has called you, you are being asked to see with unlimited vision. Wipe the dust from your eyes and pay attention to the messages you are receiving from the parallel universe. Our world is pregnant with possibilities. All time is now. You are a co-creator in the Two Worlds and will be given unlimited sight and knowing if you ask for it. This vision may come in a sleep time dream or through out-of-body Journeying. It will give you the insight that you need at this time.

Unlimited vision allows any seeker to pierce the veil of unconsciousness and come to an inner-knowing, in all cases, this card marks a time of seeing truth on all levels of Creation. You are now being given the ability to go beyond the accepted reality. The cocoon is open, trust yourself, your Allies, and your Medicine. You may now take flight.


Dreamtime teaches other realms,
That exists within the whole,
Body-double wonders here,
Solutions for the soul.

Touching other Sacred Space,
Across the Milky Way,
Traveling to distant stars,
Connecting night to day.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

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