Wednesday, April 28, 2010





The Storyteller card speaks of expansion on all levels. You are now growing and encompassing many new ideas if you have received this card. See which areas of expansion needs your attention and feed your personal Fire of Creation. Create more and enjoy the expansion, knowing you earned it.

Note that the expansion will continue if you are willing to share how you achieved your success with others. Many lives are influenced by another’s story. In the good fortune of of your present situation you may be instrumental in encouraging others.

In all cases, expansion occurs when people are allowed to grow at their own rate and with their own understanding. The wisdom of the story teller is a part of the art of remembering. Note that you are now remembering your personal Medicine and how to be your potential.


Sing to me, oh Ancient Ones,
Of the history of our race.
That I may see in my mind,
The love in every face.

And every spirit that came before.
The Medicine that they made,
The Sacred Tradition they passed to me
So the memory will not fade.
Oh Storyteller, be my bridge
To those other times.
So I may walk in Beauty with
The Ancient rhythm and rhyme.

The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS

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