The Thunder-beings card is telling you that you are a Catalyzer and may now command the usable energy at hand. You are being funded with the energy needed to complete any task you have in mind. If you have been trying without results or just couldn’t get enough steam going, this card signals relief. You can drop the frustration and get on with it. The energy is now yours. Call it to you and use it.
Usable energy comes in many forms. See which kind of energy applies to your present situation and then command it. Your body is the lightening rod and will conduct all the energy you need. Shout your intention to the Sky Nation. The Thunder-beings remind you to replenish equally to the amount of energy you expend.
Thunder-beings that gives us
The Fire from the sky,
Energy for Mother Earth,
Divine Creation flies,
Through the air to touch us
Electrifying change,
Bringing love’s true essence,
Into our hearts again.
The above was taken from - THE SACRED PATH CARDS BY JAMIE SAMS
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